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Benefits of Whole Food Vitamin C

Benefits of Vitamin C

The wonders of whole food Vitamin C are a scientific sight to behold. Modern science has unleashed the power of this potent antioxidant via scientific and modern nutritional research. What we used to behold as a common cure for the cold and the flu holds so much more than what we originally thought. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin.

That means we must derive Vitamin C from our daily diet and our body cannot synthesize it from other natural compounds. Sorely misunderstood, whole food Vitamin C is a nutritional wonder to behold and it’s impact on human health and wellness should not be taken lightly. Science has taken a fresh look at Vitamin-C and the exiting nutritional discoveries are compelling.

Beauty products. There isn’t a beauty product on the market today that doesn’t advertise the antioxidant abilities of whole food Vitamin C. The capability of Vitamin C to neutralize disease causing free radicals that cause the chronic disease process for many conditions is a huge plus. Whole food Vitamin C is now a standard topical for many of the beautifying skin creams on the market today. Vitamin C can certainly help turn back the clock on those stubborn fine lines and wrinkles.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. October 2007 found that those who consumed foods rich in Vitamin-C had less wrinkles and age related dry skin than those whose diets that contained little to no whole food Vitamin-C. Vitamin-C is important and a precursor to collagen. Collagen is a requirement to form the healthy skin tissue. Without collagen, we simply cannot make new and fresh skin. The key to all of this seems to be the ability of whole food Vitamin C powder to fight the free radicals that cause aging. Interestingly, Vitamin-C seems to offer skin protection from the ultra violet rays from the sun.

Whole food Vitamin C is heart healthy. Current nutritional research is quite persuasive. A study conducted in Finland examined over four hundred thousand people over a 10 year period. They found that those who took 800 milligrams or more of supplemental Vitamin C daily reduced the risk of heart disease by more than thirty percent. Harvard University researchers concluded that women taking a combination of both whole food Vitamin C and Vitamin E cut their risk of stroke by over forty percent. While this data is derived using nutritional supplements, it’s best that you get your essential whole food Vitamin C from eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Natural sources for obtaining your daily dose of whole food Vitamin C are bountiful. Citrus fruits are a good place to start and include lemons, oranges and grapefruits. Caution: check if you have food allergies before you eat large quantities of oranges. Just one serving per day can make all the difference in your outlook for health and wellness. Strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are not withstanding with regards to their Vitamin C content. You can enjoy delicious salads with whole food Vitamin C rich vegetables such as tomatoes, onions and broccoli. Getting your daily dose of Vitamin C rich foods is quite easy and your body will say thanks by rewarding you with good health.


Learn more about our Whole Food Vitamin C